Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad has formulated the Anti-Raggging policy and taken the following measures in order to constitute an effective Anti-Ragging System in line with the directives of the Honorable Supreme Court, AICTE, UGC, Telangana State Council for Higher Education and JUTU-H:
The Discipline Committee, constituted having reviewed the Anti-Ragging policies of the Institution has resolved that the same requires to be implemented in toto based upon the instructions issued by the AICTE, UGC, and the University and TSCHE.
An anti-ragging committee comprising the Principal, Dean Discipline, Inspector of Police -Bachupally Circle, Dean Student Affairs, Dean Academic Affairs, the Physical Director, the Senior Administrative Officer and Senior student representatives from all programmes met before the I st year B.Tech students arrive each year, explaining to them the menace of ragging and the severity of the situation, consequences, the directives of the Supreme Court, the AICTE and JNTUH and punishment that will be meted to the senior students in case of being found to be guilty of ragging.
It is also informed to the student members that the burden of proof lies with the accused and not with the victim.
Supreme Court instructions, Ragging act and punishments, as recommended by the university are being displayed prominently in all notice boards, canteen and other meeting places.
- Posters discouraging ragging are on display at all strategic points.
- The web site has a Scrolling bar with anti-ragging propaganda displayed on all department link screens continuously.
- Telephone numbers of Anti-ragging committee is displayed prominently.
Notifications have been released clearly mentioning that ragging is banned in the college.
An Anti-Ragging Squad is constituted with the members from staff and students to be on vigil throughout the day from well before the college hour starts till after the closing time. In the first three months, surprise visits by the members are conducted to check any untoward incidents at prone locations.
The Institute ‘Prospectus’ contains information about the directives of the AICTE on prohibition and consequences of ragging.
Every student on admission is given the printed information on contacts for guidance for various purposes including Class coordinators, HODs and members of Anti-ragging committee along with their phone numbers.
Undertakings by student and parents is also taken as an affidavit (prescribed by AICTE and UGC) affirming that they are aware of the laws of ragging. An Anti-Ragging oath is also administered to the second year students.
As part of the orientation a counseling session is organized for the Ist Year (Fresher’s) and their parents on the first day of academic session.
The Principal explains to them the measures of anti-ragging taken by GRIET as per the recommend-ations of the JNTUH and AICTE.
A gap of two months was maintained between the class work of the fresher’s and the seniors.
The class work timings of the seniors and the juniors have been staggered so that the fresher’s and the seniors did not meet.
Eve teasing complaint can be informed to Balanagar Zone She team |
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WhatsApp no. - 9490617444
Name J Upender Rao
Designation Inspector of Police
Cell No. 9491060942
Land Line 8333993552
PS Official NO. 8333993552
Official Mail sho-bcpy-cyb@tspolice.gov.in
Gmail shobachupally@gmail.com |