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AI and ML Lab

From the day of Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen, who first invented neuro computing, a lot of research is on in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The demand for engineers and scientists with knowledge in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is high. Machine Learning Engineer, Robotic Scientist, Data Scientist, Research Scientist, Business Intelligence Developer are certain job roles for students who excel in this field. GRIET is in the forefront to start a Center of Excellence (AI& ML Lab). The lab is being established with inputs from Academia, Corporate people, experienced experts of the field to give required confidence for the students who are undergoing this course and make them able to cater to the needs of the market.

The Objectives of AI & ML Lab:

  • Identify innovative research directions in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data analytics.
  • Providing quality education and practical skills to the students and faculty.
  • Assist in the development of partnerships in US and India regarding Internships, Summer Jobs, Publications and students’ Placements.
  • Establish, refine and implement strategies to take the idea in to students and faculty fraternity.
  • Create sustainable funding models for GRIET and related efforts.

AI and ML Lab Team:

Advisor: Dr. Raju Penmatcha, Data Science & Technology, USA


Dr. G. Karuna, Faculty in-charge
2. Mrs. Y. Krishna Bhargavi, coordinator
3. Dr. Y.Srilalitha
4. Mrs.V. Srilakshmi
5. Mrs.B.Rupa
Coordinator - AICTE-ML Lab initiation : Mr.N.Krishna Chythanya

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