TheSexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013is alegislative actinIndiawhich came into force from 09 December 2013. This is anAct to provide protection againstsexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.This will contribute to realization of their right to gender equality, life and liberty and equality in working conditions everywhere. The sense of security at the workplace will improve women's participation in work, resulting in their economic empowerment and inclusive growth. Under the Act, which also covers students in schools and colleges as well as patients in hospitals, employers and local authorities will have to set up grievance committees to investigate all complaints.
Under this act, the word work placeincludesorganizations, department, office, branch unit etc. in the public and private sector, organized and unorganized, hospitals, nursing homes, educational institutions, sports institutes, stadiums, sports complex and any place visited by the employee during the course of employment including the transportation.
Being a private academic institution, GRIET is also within the purview of the law and hence the Principal has constituted the anti -sexual harassment cell for prevention of sexual harassment in the campus, and the cell is empowered to deal with cases concerning sexualharassment of women staff and students and hence will function as a sub-committee of the institute.
The list of members and terms of references are given below:
S.No. |
Name |
Current engagements |
Position in the ASHC |
1 |
Dr. G.Mamatha |
Professor, Dept. of ECE |
Chairperson |
2 |
Dr.Y. Rama Krishna Prasad |
Professor of Management |
Dean Discipline |
3 |
Ms.Kranthi Ahron Jannu |
State Coordinator, NGO My Choice Foundation |
State Coordinator |
4 |
Dr. K.S.N. Raju |
Professor |
Sr Administrative Officer |
5 |
Smt.E V S Padmavathi |
Office Sectretary |
Office Sectretary |
6 |
Smt.Tabitha Indupalli |
Asst Professor, Dept. of CSE |
Member |
7 |
Dr.Surekha |
Professor, Dept. of ECE |
Member |
8 |
A.Vani Pushpavathi |
Asst Professor, Dept. of IT |
Member |
9 |
Ms.Kiranmai Bonthu |
Asst Professor, Dept. of AIML |
Member |
10 |
Ms.Manu Hajari |
Asst Professor, Dept. of CSDS & CSBS |
Member |
11 |
S Aparna |
Asst Professor, Dept. of ME |
Member |
12 |
Dr.M.Rekha |
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE |
Member |
13 |
Ms. PSRPSSS Vardhini |
Asst Professor, Dept. of CE |
Member |
14 |
Ms.B. Saroja Rani |
Professor, Dept. of H & BS |
Member |
15 |
Hari Lakshmi Pranavi |
22241A0535, III B.Tech (CSE) |
Student Member |
16 |
Rangineni Poojith |
23245A6703, II B.Tech (CSDS) |
Student Member |
The list of members and terms of references are given below:In case, if the complaint is against any staff member of the committee then the Principal shall nominate appropriate Chair or member for the enquiry.
The Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell of GRIET is responsible for initiating the necessary process of inquest on receipt of complaint from any aggrieved individual or Dean Discipline.
Terms of reference for Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell in this case are as below:
- To discuss and suggest methods to promote gender amity amongst all GRIET employees and students.
- To suggest awareness video lectures/ workshops for GRIET students and staff members on different aspects of women welfare.
- To address the gender discrimination and sexual harassment cases whenever reported and recommend appropriate necessary action.
- To arbitrate sexual harassment cases and recommend suitable punishments to the Dean Discipline for further action.
- The cell cansuggestdifferent degrees of "punishment" depending on the different degrees offault or offence like Minor, Moderate or Major. Tools to respond to offenses include (1) communication of the standard, (2) disapproval, (3) verbal warning, (4) written warning, (5) suspension or rustication of the guilty parties (6) termination as well as to protect complainants from victimization.
- To consider any other matter on women’s issues referred to the committee.
The following are the various programmes organized by the cell:
1. Self-Defence Training Program Two sessions of Self Defence for I year students were conducted by Women Development Cell in association with Dr.Reddy Labs on 24-11-2022.
A team of five people headed by Mrs. Sneha Shree and Mrs. Reshma cautioned students with lively interactive sessions and also demonstrated self defence mechanisms. The speakers said that every woman should be aware of various
laws and POCSO act, so that we can prevent or protect from harassment.
2. A Workshop on “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013:A workshop on “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013” was conducted on 25-12-2022 by Women Development Cell (WDC) and Anti Sexual Harassment Cell (ASHC) in association with Indian Women Network (IWN). Ms. Isha Sinha, the Group Legal & Compliance Head for Medi cover Hospitals- India spoke in
detail the provisions provided under the Act.
3. Youth Conclave 2022:Women Safety Wing, Telangana State conducted Youth Conclave-2022 on 20th Dec 2022 at 11:30 AM through virtual mode. Smt. Swati lakra IPS
Additional Director General of Police, Women Safety Wing, Telangana spoke about “Our aspirations to make young people empowered through Women Safety Wing- An opportunity to become a responsible citizen.” Smt Sumati
Badugula IPS DIG Women Safety Wing, Telangana spoke about various Police safety schemes.
Smt. D. Divya, IAS Special Secretary to Government & Commissioner of DWCD, Telangana spoke about “Women and Child Development- Key to witness the development of the state of Telangana”.
Sri Ashok, ADDL SP Women Safety Wing, Telangana Police spoke about the Legal provisions in favour of Women and Children.
4. Safety Club Against Sexual Abuse:As part National Girl Child Day on 24-01-2023, Safety Club Against Sexual Abuse was started under the mentorship of Dr.G.Mamatha.
ASHC Meeting Minutes-2022
ASHC Meeting Minutes