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Women's Development cell

The activity of Women’s Development Cell addresses problems of women employees and empowerment of women with the followingObjectives:

  • Create awareness on equal opportunity for women that will ultimately lead to improved attitude and behaviour.
  • Bring about attitudinal and behavioural change in adolescent youth of the female gender.
  • Provide a harassment free working atmosphere, by identifying and fixing responsibility on the concerned persons for ensuring equal treatment of and participation by women in all areas.
  • Conduct programmers for ladies to empower them financially, emotionally, mentally and physically.
  • Deal appropriately with reported cases of sexual harassment, abuse or discrimination, and initiate action against particular grievances in respect of unfair treatment due to gender bias.
Constitution of the Women’s Development Cell 2020-21:

Bh Prashanthi, Assistant professor, Department of CSE
Mrs.Tabitha Indupalli, Dept of CSE, Mobile: 8499904463, E-mail: tabitha1669@grietcollege.com
Dr.M Rekha, Dept of EEE, Mobile: 9032351775, E-mail: rekha933@grietcollege.com
Dr.G.Surekha, Dept of ECE, Mobile: 9440426273, E-mail: surekha537@grietcollege.com
S Aparna, Dept of ME, Mobile: 6281350530, E-mail: siripuram1522@grietcollege.com
Ms.Vani Pushpavathi, Dept of IT, Mobile: 9849268292, E-mail: vani1781@grietcollege.com
Ms. B.Saroja Rani, Dept of HBS, Mobile: 7780117821, E-mail: sarojarani.a@gmail.com
Ms. Saradha Vardhini, Dept of CE, Mobile: 9100543666, E-mail: saradha.vardhani@gmail.com
Ms.Kiranmai Bonthu, Dept of AIML, Mobile: 9666885971, E-mail: rsikha1758@grietcollege.com
Ms.Manu Hajari, Dept of CSDS & CSBS, Mobile: 9518551094, E-mail: manasav1808@grietcollege.com

The following are the various programmes organized by the cell for the development as well as the welfare of Both Women faculty and Girl Students:

1.A Seminar on Career Planning

A Seminar on career planning was conducted by Women Development Cell in association with School of Innovation and Management, GNITS on 9-11-2022. Dr.Laxmi Rawat spoke about various career options for women students and highlighted the need of doing a post-graduation in a specified area to be market ready.

2.Self-Defence Training Program

Two sessions of Self Defence for I year students were conducted by Women Development Cell in association with Dr.Reddy Labs on 24-11-2022. A team of five people headed by Mrs. Sneha Shree and Mrs. Reshma cautioned students with lively interactive sessions and also demonstrated self defence mechanisms. The speakers said that every woman should be aware of various laws and POCSO act, so that we can prevent or protect from harassment.

3.A Workshop on “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013

A workshop on “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013” was conducted on 25-12-2022 by Women Development Cell (WDC) and Anti Sexual Harassment Cell (ASHC) in association with Indian Women Network (IWN). Ms. Isha Sinha, the Group Legal & Compliance Head for Medi cover Hospitals- India spoke in detail the provisions provided under the Act.

4.Youth Conclave-2023

Women Safety Wing, Telangana State conducted Youth Conclave-2022 on 20th Dec 2022 at 11:30 AM through virtual mode. Smt. Swati lakra IPS Additional Director General of Police, Women Safety Wing, Telangana spoke about “Our aspirations to make young people empowered through Women Safety Wing- An opportunity to become a responsible citizen. ”Smt Sumati Badugula IPS DIG Women Safety Wing, Telangana spoke about various Police safety schemes.
Smt. D. Divya, IAS Special Secretary to Government & Commissioner of DWCD, Telangana spoke about “Women and Child Development- Key to witness the development of the state of Telangana”.
Sri Ashok, ADDL SP Women Safety Wing, Telangana Police spoke about the Legal provisions in favour of Women and Children.

5.International Womens Day-2023

International women’s day was celebrated on 8th March 2023 at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET). The celebrations began with a video displaying all women faculty members along with the slogan "Embrace Equity." WDC Coordinator and Convener of Women’s Day celebrations, Dr. G. Mamatha read the theme for International Women's Day 2023 ie DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality. Principal Dr.J.Praveen garu greeted and appreciated the contributions of women. Director Dr.Jandhyala Narayana Murthy garu encouraged women to come up with innovation. The Chief Guest for the event was Smt. Tangirala Vidya Rani is an advocate at High Court by profession and an artist by passion. She delivered a thought-provoking speech on the importance of perseverance and hard work. AICTE specified awards were given to first-year academic achievers, University level chess and Khokho player, Entrepreneur, Extempore, and Essay contest winners.

6.Awareness Program on Cancer

Cancer is a serious disease and the second leading cause of death worldwide. It has been observed that the social stigma attached to this disease often leads to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Sai Lakshmi Daayana, a Senior Consultant Gynae Oncologist for Women, Apollo Jubilee Hills spoke on Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer and PCOS. She covered a variety of topics related to cancer, including the causes of cancer, symptoms, and prevention.

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