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Institutional Development & Monitoring Committee (IDMC)

The component authority has been pleased to constitute a committee comprising the following

S. No Name Position in the Current Engagements Position in IDMC
1 Dr J.Praveen Principal Chairman
2 Dr. Jandhyala N Murthy Director Member
3 Dr. K. V.S. Raju Administration Member
4 Prof. P Gopala Krishna Circuit Branches Member
5 Dr.K Satyanarayana Non-Circuit Branches Member
6 Dr. M Sridhar Basic Sciences Member
7 Dr. T Jagannadha Swamy IDMC Member Coordinator

The Institutional Development and Monitoring Committee (IDMC) has been constituted for the overall functioning, monitoring and recommending the necessary guidelines for the overall development of the institute to the Governing body. The Institutional Development and Monitoring Committee (IDMC) comprises of the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) and Strategic Plan (SP) functionalities.

The IDMC shall be the principal academic body of the institute and shall, in addition to all other powers and duties vested in it, have the following powers and duties.

  • Prepare an overall comprehensive development plan of the college regarding academic, administrative and infrastructural growth, and enable College to foster excellence in curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities with time-bound seals and strategies following the guidelines of UGC/AICTE.
  • Decide about the overall teaching programmes or annual calendar of the college.
  • Recommend to the management about introducing new academic courses and the creation of additional teaching and administrative posts if required as per
  • Make specific recommendations to the management to foster academic collaborations, Industry Institute Interactions, MoUs, and Incubations to strengthen teaching and research.
  • Make specific recommendations to the management to encourage the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning process.
  • Make specific recommendations regarding the improvement in teaching and suitable training programmes for the employees of the college, discuss the reports of the IQAC, and make suitable recommendations.
  • Prepare the annual financial estimates (budget) and financial statements of the college or institution and recommend the same to the management for approval and formulate proposals of new expenditure not provided for in the annual budget, make recommendations regarding the 'students and employees' welfare activities in the college.
  • Frame suitable admissions procedure for different programmes by following the statutory norms.
  • Plan major annual events in the college, such as annual day, sports events, cultural events, etc.
  • Recommend the administration about appropriate steps to be taken regarding the discipline, safety and security issues of the college.
  • Consider and make appropriate recommendations on inspection reports, audit report, report of National Assessment and Accreditation Council, National Board of Accreditations, University inspections, etc.
  • Recommend the distribution of different prizes, medals and awards to the students.
  • Prepare the annual report on the work done by committee for the year ending on the 30th June and submit the same to the management of such college
  • Perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be entrusted by the management and the university.

  • The committee meets twice in a year and reviews the above items.

    This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.

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